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We’ve scoured the best sources from around the world and put them in one place. Use our filter below to find what works best for you and your students.
28 Results Meet Your Requirements
Students will learn about the difficult circumstances that survivors faced after the war in rebuilding their lives, and learn about the different factors in many people's decision not to return to the countries where they had previously lived.
Explore a summary of contemporary antisemitism, spanning the history between World War II and today.
Watch a compelling video about antisemitism as it manifests in the world today, with insights from global experts on the subject.
Read excerpts from Elie Wiesel’s Day of Remembrance addresses. Students will have a discussion about commemoration and remembrance.
Explore the power that propaganda can have on young people, especially when it is presented as part of everyday culture.
Explore the creation of the Nuremberg Race Laws and what the significance of their implementation into society meant for the future of Jews in Germany.
Watch part of a lecture by Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, the world’s foremost scholar on Holocaust Denial, who explains the absurd proposition of denying the Holocaust.
Acquaint students with eugenics, a movement that distorted science in order to justify negative ideas about minorities and people with disabilities.
Watch a video detailing the steps taken to isolate Jews from German life. Open up into a conversation about the precursors the world should be on the lookout for when seeing human rights violations taking place around the globe.
Students will go through resources on antisemitism in the early modern era as well as a resource on the Nazi book burning of 1933.
Students will learn the history of anti-Judaism and its relevance when studying the Holocaust. Open up into a discussion about prejudices in history and how rumors and hatred get carried through generations.
Students will analyze the different types of Holocaust memorials that can be found around the world. Open up into a discussion about what purpose memorials serve, and what they signify. Allow students to create their own memorial.