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We’ve scoured the best sources from around the world and put them in one place. Use our filter below to find what works best for you and your students.
6 Results Meet Your Requirements
Follow the evolvement of antisemitism from its origin to its use in racial Nazi ideology. Students will break into groups to discuss questions on antisemitism, scapegoating, and the effects of hate speech.
Read through a translation of the famous text J’Accuse! and answer questions based off of the text. Students will learn about bias, perspective, and the construction of history.
Students will go through resources on antisemitism in the early modern era as well as a resource on the Nazi book burning of 1933.
Analyze an antisemitic document from 1903 to understand how the lie that Jews killed Jesus was used to incite violence against Jews.
Students will learn the history of antisemitism and how it was transformed into Nazi racial antisemitism through the years.
Students will learn about a piece of antisemitic literature that was spread in the early 20th century. Open into a conversation about how false information spreads and how difficult it is to be taken back once shared.