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We’ve scoured the best sources from around the world and put them in one place. Use our filter below to find what works best for you and your students.
12 Results Meet Your Requirements
Explore a summary of contemporary antisemitism, spanning the history between World War II and today.
Watch a compelling video about antisemitism as it manifests in the world today, with insights from global experts on the subject.
Discover the unifying themes of antisemitism by exploring artifacts and events that demonstrate the fear and anger that fuels this long standing conspiracy theory and its hatred towards the Jewish people.
Read excerpts from Elie Wiesel’s Day of Remembrance addresses. Students will have a discussion about commemoration and remembrance.
Watch part of a lecture by Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, the world’s foremost scholar on Holocaust Denial, who explains the absurd proposition of denying the Holocaust.
Students will analyze the different types of Holocaust memorials that can be found around the world. Open up into a discussion about what purpose memorials serve, and what they signify. Allow students to create their own memorial.
Go over documents used during the Nuremberg Trials. (Some of the images contain graphic content.) Students will learn how the Nuremberg Trials came to be and the lasting impact these trials had on future cases of international injustice.
Students will be introduced to the act of name reading as a form of commemoration. They will be taught the importance of shining light on individual victims to preserve their memory.
Watch a video by author Deborah Lipstadt as she answers questions about the significance of the Eichmann Trial.
Give your students a detailed background to Holocaust denial and its pernicious hold on people throughout the world.