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We’ve scoured the best sources from around the world and put them in one place. Use our filter below to find what works best for you and your students.
46 Results Meet Your Requirements
Watch a video by Yad Vashem on the ghettos that features diary entries from a child living in the Lodz ghetto.
Examine the concordat that tied the Catholic Church to the Nazi Regime and continues to spark controversy today via this expository reading from Facing History and Ourselves.
Follow the evolvement of antisemitism from its origin to its use in racial Nazi ideology. Students will break into groups to discuss questions on antisemitism, scapegoating, and the effects of hate speech.
Students will go through testimonies and photographs from the different stages people went through upon deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Students will watch videos and testimonies to learn about people’s experiences at Auschwitz and other extermination camps.
Students will learn the definition of being a bystander to the Holocaust. They will have the opportunity to think critically about what it really means to be a bystander, the different levels of inactivity and passivity, and whether or not calling oneself a bystander deflects responsibility.
Students will watch a documentary on the Stanford Prison Experiment. Open the class into a discussion on the psychology of violence and group behavior.
Students will watch a clip of the 1984 German film Die Wannseekonferenz, witnessing how Nazi officials controlling various facets of German bureaucratic life worked together to make decisions surrounding the minutiae involved in organizing the genocide of 11 million people.
Complete an activity having students analyze photographs from the Holocaust with and without context; the photos are from the United States Holocaust Memorial site. Students see the actions of perpetrators, bystanders, and victims in these primary sources.
A brief case study highlights how individual decisions strengthen Nazism.
Acquaint students with eugenics, a movement that distorted science in order to justify negative ideas about minorities and people with disabilities.
Students will learn about cultural/spiritual resistance in the ghettos from video testimonies.