Lesson Collection
Fight Hate
Introduce your students to how the Jews resisted Nazi persecution and discuss the ways in which the Holocaust should be remembered.
History of HatredView Lesson
Students will learn the history of anti-Judaism and its relevance when studying the Holocaust. Open up into a discussion about prejudices in history and how rumors and hatred get carried through generations. -
Placing the BlameView Lesson
Watch videos by Simple History explaining the signing of the Treaty of Versailles and the reparations on Germany that followed. -
Dachau SongView Lesson
Experience the vitality and power of a song written and sung by prisoners in the Dachau Concentration Camp in southern Germany by inviting your students to critically evaluate its lyrics. -
How Should We Remember?View Lesson
Students will analyze the different types of Holocaust memorials that can be found around the world. Open up into a discussion about what purpose memorials serve, and what they signify. Allow students to create their own memorial.