Lesson Collection
Warning Signs
Introduce your students to the history of Jewish pogroms and the events of Kristallnacht. This historic event was a major warning sign to the Jews in Europe, and to people around the world, that things would only get worse.
Proclamation Inciting a Jewish Pogrom (1903)View Lesson
Analyze an antisemitic document from 1903 to understand how the lie that Jews killed Jesus was used to incite violence against Jews. -
Hitler Youth and KristallnachtView Lesson
This lesson centers on interviews of Alfons Heck who became a high-ranking member of the Hitler Youth. This lesson will allow students the opportunity to hear his recollection of Kristallnacht, or the "Night of Broken Glass." -
Everything is ForbiddenView Lesson
Students will learn about cultural/spiritual resistance in the ghettos from video testimonies. -
How Public Opinion is BuiltView Lesson
Examine opinion polls throughout the era of war and investigate key figures in American politics who helped shape the landscape of public opinion and action in this time period.