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9 Results Meet Your Requirements
Students will create and build upon a working definition of resistance. To do so, students will read a poem on resistance and a call to action written by Abba Kovner.
Students will watch a video with testimonies from people that fought as Jewish partisans. This lesson will go over the myth that Jews did not resist, contradict it, and open up a discussion on changing the narrative.
Experience the vitality and power of a song written and sung by prisoners in the Dachau Concentration Camp in southern Germany by inviting your students to critically evaluate its lyrics.
Examine the acts of resistance that occurred at the killing centers and consider how the 'success' and 'failure' of these efforts is graded on a different scale.
Students will learn about cultural/spiritual resistance in the ghettos from video testimonies.
Students will learn about resistance during the Holocaust, particularly the Jewish partisans that joined resistance movements.
Students will learn about the Warsaw ghetto uprising, the largest Jewish uprising in German-occupied Europe. This lesson will lead students into a discussion about resistance during the Holocaust and the many ways people resist today.
Students will analyze a famous poem and anthem from the resistance movement. Engage your class in a discussion on anthems as a method to encourage bravery and resistance.
Watch the testimonies of Anna Heilman and Helen K., women who were imprisoned at Auschwitz and bravely resisted Nazism, each in their own way.